2.1 Multimodal Narratives

2.1.6 Wireframing a Multmodal Narrative

Exercise: Wireframing a different multimodal narrative

Previously, we asked you to wireframe the "Blur of White" chapter from Snow Fall up until 'This Thing Ripped Big'. If done correctly, your sketched wireframe should look like something along the lines of this.

On the other hand, not all digital longform narratives take advantage of the affordances of the medium and the possibilities of narrative as successfully as Snow Fall does. Others have been very successful in adopting its best features. In this exercise we have provided you with two additional multimodal narratives. 
  • Why Amazon Knows So Much About You. This story was written by Leo Kellion and published by the BBC as an accompanyment to the Panaroma programme that aired on 17 February 2020 (RadioTimes)
  • Hostile Waters written by Linda V Mapes and published by the Seattle Times on 11 November 2018.
As with the exercise above, wireframe the first 8-10 elements of either story using both Hippala's and Krieken's rubrics. For paragraphs, as before, you can condense them into blocks and simply note the number of paragraphs. After you wireframe one (or both), take the quiz below to identify the differences between the two narratives and see if you spotted them too.  

If you have completed the wireframes successfully, the Amazon should look something along the lines of this and the Hostile Waters one like this.