Intended Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, the learner will be able to:

  • Develop a theoretical, analytical and methodological appreciation of media/digital formats and modalities for storytelling across platforms and in blended spaces
  • Employ a practice-oriented, hands-on, conceptualizing approach towards digital worlds, media ecologies and storytelling as designs, aesthetic expressions, interaction forms, user experiences and cultural creative produc
  • Explore how multimodal narratives are designed historically, narratively, technically, and cognitively.
  • Employ design thinking tools to analyse a multimodal narrative
  • Explore how the seamless integration of digital technology into physical reality (phygital) facilitates the communication of heritage information.
  • Deploy a mixed-methods evaluation methodology for assessing interactive prototypes, focusing on the communication of heritage information and user engagement.
  • Develop a theoretical and analytical appreciation of the affordances and narrative strategies employed in locative audio storytelling, drawing on concepts in sound studies, narratology and mobile media studies.
  • Take a practice-oriented and hands-on approach to analyze, evaluate and explain such strategies in concrete case examples, as well as outline alternative approaches.

Last modified: Monday, 8 June 2020, 5:53 PM